How to ‘run-in’ your holiday lodge
Your new holiday lodge will need to get used to being lived in as much as you need to get used to living in your new holiday lodge.
Here are some ‘tips and hints’ that can help you ‘run-in your new holiday lodge:
Your new holiday lodge will need to get used to being lived in as much as you need to get used to living in your new holiday lodge.
Here are some ‘tips and hints’ that can help you ‘run-in your new holiday lodge:
• Wipe away any condensation on windows and other glass surfaces.
• Cover pans when cooking
• Where possible dry clothing outdoors. If using a tumble dryer, make sure it vents outdoors or is fitted with a condenser.
• Do not block any floor or wall vents.
• When possible, leave windows or trickle vents open.
• Close doors when taking a bath or shower to avoid moisture spreading.
• Switch on extractor fans during cooking, bathing and showering, leave switched on for an additional 20 minutes.
• If salt deposits occur on internal and external walls wipe them away. If the problem persists it could indicate a water leak, in which case you should contact your manufacturer.
• Close kitchen and bathroom doors to prevent steam going into other colder rooms.
• Open windows each day to allow a change of air
• Wipe down surfaces when moisture settles.
• Shrinkage/Cracking
• Maintain a low background heat and try not to leave the heating on too high.
• If cracks appear, leave them for a few months before trying to seal them
• When redecorating, use good quality filler on any gaps.
• If you feel the cracks are more significant report them to your park operator as they may indicate movement in the structure or adjustment of the jacks below your park home.
• Report any evidence of water staining on walls and ceilings to your developer as soon as possible.